Our mission is to develop a pipeline of best-in-class oncolytic immunotherapeutics that are highly effective in treating cancer patients with solid cancers. At Seneca Therapeutics, we believe a cure for cancer is within our lifetime and we are working with urgency to see this promising possibility become a reality.
Seneca Therapeutics, Inc. (Seneca) is developing a pipeline of novel cancer agents using the nonpathogenic Seneca Valley Virus isolate 001 (SVV-001). Our first product – SVV-001 - is anticipated to be in later stage clinical trials in 2023. SVV-001 is a targeted immunotherapy that selectively kills cancer cells expressing the SVV-001 receptor, TEM8. SVV-001 converts the tumor microenvironment from T-Cell resistant (“cold”) to T-Cell permissive (“Hot”). SVV-001 synergizes with immune checkpoint inhibitors and other cancer agents to significantly benefit cancer patients .